Chiara Mu
Posts by Chiara Mu:
- Untold / 2024
- Centro di Gravita’ Permanente
- Permanent Center of Gravity
- Body Lab
- ACQUA / WATER / 2021
- self-inhabiting / April 2020
- Protected: 2019 – photographic series
- Protected: 2018 – photographic series
- exercise in transmission / 2020
- Abitar-si/Self-inhabiting / 2020
- Book on Performance Art / 2018
- listen to me / 2019
- l’oro in bocca (gold in the mouth) / 2017
- dis-placement: 3.30pm / 2016
- esercizio di fuga: il salice (exercise in vanishing: the willow tree) / 2016
- mìmesis / 2016
- reality / 2016
- apparato di cattura (apparatus of capture) / 2015
- esercizio di fuga (exercise in vanishing) / 2015
- incontro nel tè (tea encounter) / 2015
- farecasa (homemaking) / 2015
- 6½ / 2015
- untitled-the wall / 2015
- from here to eternity / 2015
- abbracciare lungo la linea (hug along the line) / 2014
- esercizio di cura (an exercise in care) / 2014
- infinity watching / 2014
- il gioco della scala / 2014
- resurrectio (resurrection) / 2014
- rosso /are you there? / 2014
- underneath / 2014
- tempo rotto (broken time) / 2014
- Limit. A definition / 2014
- vendetta / 2013
- cane che parla 2013 (the talking dog)
- prescription box / 2013
- free school / 2013
- ask me / 2013
- stigma / 2012
- le nozze di MIA (MIA’s wedding) / 2012
- la via d’uscita (the way out) / 2012
- cinema all’aperto (the outdoor cinema) / 2012
- l’origine (the origin) / 2012
- mi dimenticherò di te tutti i giorni (I will forget about you every day – the exhibition) / 2012
- decresce (decrease) / 2012
- decresce (decrease-video) / 2012
- your land 故土 / 2011
- memories of China / 2011
- chiara VS chiara / 2011
- mi dimenticherò di te tutti i giorni (I will forget about you every day) / 2011
- not there anymore / 2011
- mislead / 2011
- back home / 2010
- lower your gaze / 2010
- a necessary evil / 2009
- the appartment / 2009
- chiaramu VS guy hilton / 2009
- P&V – police and violence / 2009
- let it go / 2009
- per una volta (for once) / 2008
- in-sight series / 2008
- history is mine! / 2006
- voi siete qui (you are here) / 2005
- due (two) / 2005
- through / 2004