
site/situation-specific art

decresce (decrease) / 2012

Performative installations
Works by year

Situation-specific Installation,“Decresce Project” exhibition, Casa delle Culture / Villa de Sanctis, Rome

The exhibition originated from the broad concept of the “Degrowth” and tried to investigate it, using different aesthetic and conceptual approaches. I offered my specific point of view on how reducing goods production, as well as mass consumption, by simply proposing to sleep more and so investing a different kind of fruitful time: into the dream state. I created a space for people to sleep into during the show as long as they wanted, providing them with a clean nightwear, sleeping pills and an alarm clock with no hands. During the opening and the closing days of the exhibition I slept into the installation; visitors were introduced in the space by someone else and they were invited to lay next to me and sleep if the wanted for a while.

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Manuela Gavagnin, Enrico di Ienno